Dental Implants

Our caring, highly trained dentists are experts at creating dental implants as both a permanent and an appealing replacement for dentures, missing teeth or any damaged tooth or failed root canal for a tooth that needs to be extracted.


As a Fellow and Diplomate of The International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), Dr. Jonelle Stovall takes great pride in this accomplishment and has a steadfast commitment to professional excellence. The team at Stovall Dental provide quality implant services to patients in Goldsboro, North Carolina and its surrounding towns.

Dental implants for our patients will feel, fit, and look like natural teeth. Patients who have received dental implants report gaining a renewed sense of confidence and well being as they once again become comfortable with eating the foods they enjoy, smiling freely and speaking clearly in social and professional situations.

Our videos below can help you decide if you are a candidate for dental implants.

Dental implants are also a great alternative to bridges because only one tooth needs to be replaced, not multiple. The dental implant process takes a couple months, allowing for the jawbone to form around the foundation screw that has been implanted. Once the implant has healed and is firmly in place, an abutment is placed over the top, and will serve as a base for the new tooth. The permanent restoration tooth is created to fit perfectly with the abutment. The dental lab creates the crown to precise specifications and it is then firmly sealed to the abutment. This creates an amazing looking permanent implant that blends seamlessly with your own teeth.

Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants have become a very popular option for those needing replacement teeth. The reasons for this popularity include the following:

  • Implants last longer – Bridges and dentures do not provide support for the underlying bone structure in the jaw. Over time, the bone begins to dissolve where teeth are missing. Dental implants are imbedded directly into the jawbone and consequently protect the integrity of the bone structure.
  • Implants are more comfortable
    – Bridges and dentures can feel bulky in the mouth. Since implants are implanted directly into the gums and jaw, most patients forget that they even have implants.
  • Implants can help stabilize a denture
    – Most people who wear lower dentures have a hard time getting there denture to stay in, or even eating. If you are tired of using denture adhesive, or would like to eat more solid foods. An implant retained denture might be right for you.

The videos provided below explain the benefits of dental implants and the process for replacing a single missing tooth or multiple teeth, as well as how dentures can be supported by implants for a more secure permanent fit and how dental implants can support bridges.

Of course, we encourage you to give us a call today to schedule your dental implant consultation!